the face behind salted limon

Hi, I am Lisa, a Freelance Graphic Designer

I am based in Taunton, UK, and I work remotely with clients locally and internationally from startups to big corporations.

Some facts about me

Languages I speak

My first language is French, I am fluent in English and I can catch up some Spanish

I am international

I was born in Switzerland, from a Spanish mother and I grew up in France. I moved to the UK in 2018.

Software I use

I am proficient in Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign, AfterEffects, WordPress, Elementor, Canva, PowerPoint, Word, Excel,

about me

What I value

I live my life both personally and professionally with honesty. For me is essential to build long-term partnerships. It means I am transparent with my hourly rate and invoicing. I respect and value individuals in the way I communicate and work.

I am a creative person, and I just love my job. I love being able to bring life into designs, to show with colours and imagery what words cannot say.  I just see life through the lens of creativity. I am inspired by our beautiful planet, architecture, cities, music, and the work of all the wonderful gifted artists out there.

Since the moment I started freelancing, I reached out to charities to get involved and give my time and skills to a good cause. To me, work is not only about money, it is about using your skills to bring change in our world. I am currently volunteering for Kangourou Kit.

Apart from volunteering regularly, I am also giving 10% of my turnover to charities.

What I do

Logo & Branding Design

Stand out with a strong visual identity. I can design your logo to reflect your business and your key values. From the logo, the colour palet, to the fonts and the imagery, your brand identity should be unique, long-lasting and easily adaptable on print and digital assets.

Cosmetic Packaging Design

Over the years, I had the chance to work for cosmetics and wellness brands, such as John Frieda or EthicaCBD. I create unique packaging design, from the explore to the final artwork. I can make your product stand out in a shelf.

Web and Digital Design

Your online presence is vital to grow your business. I am experienced in designing high-quality web design on wordpress. I also design digital assets (banners or imagery) for your website, reseller (Amazon, Boots) or social media. And lastly, I can help with video editing.

Print & Editorial Design

I create high-quality print designs (brochure, leaflet, magazine, stationery, marketing collateral design). Let me do my magic to create valuable informational documents. I can also help with infographics, iconography and illustrations.

My background

2018 - Today / England

Freelance Graphic Designer, aka Salted Limon

I have started my freelance business, Salted Limon, in 2018 – after an expatriation to the UK.

I have been working mainly remotely with clients in Europe (United Kingdom, France, Germany), the United States, and even in Africa (Ghana, Congo).

I’ve been supporting start-ups that need a strong branding, web design and marketing material to launch and get visible. I’ve been involved with marketing teams in global companies that need regular support to keep growing. And I’ve been volunteering in charities, giving my time and graphic design experience for a good cause.

2012 - 2018 / France

In-house Graphic Designer in various companies (printer, international or local companies)

I grew up in France and studied graphic design, management & communication in Montpellier and then Lyon.

I’ve worked in France during these training years as an in-house graphic designer in different companies – to get a global view of what being a graphic designer and a communication assistant is like. For instance, I worked in a graphic design studio at a printer, and with marketing teams in two international companies.

After getting my diploma, I worked as an in-house graphic designer and communication officer in a construction business in France.